Manic Monday, Tuesday, Everyday!

Manic Monday, Tuesday, Everyday!

Currently life feels a bit like it’s flying past in a total blur and I am just trying to keep up. Thankfully it’s loads of brilliant things that I have on the go so it’s mostly a positive blur but I’m finding it a tad overwhelming.

Actual image of me at the moment!

The result of this is dropped balls, the metaphorical type of course! The actual writing side of the blog has become distinctly neglected. Instagram is just easier, quicker and is where I have a lot more contacts and followers so tends to become the favourite child when life gets manic. So apologies, dear readers, I will get back into the swing of weekly writing!

My main cause of blur and big news is that I have been scrambling around trying to decide what to do about my return to work. I had my request for part time/flexible working denied and was facing a return to work full time from November. A prospect I didn’t much cherish with two small kids one of whom I don’t even have with me 7 days of the week due to custody arrangements. 

Randomly, while in a local jewellers with my Mum, we were discussing my situation and the owner overheard. She quickly spoke up and said she was looking for someone and did I want to give her my CV and have a chat? Fast forward a few weeks, some serious soul searching, a lot of conversations and number crunching and I am leaving the world of insurance. After 7 years and the frankly crushing disappointment of the denial of my request it felt like the right time. Not only do I get to now work amongst the most stunning diamonds all day, they are also letting me run their social media and marketing which is a dream role for me!

Also me…in the display window!

The only down side of all this is that I will be returning to work sooner than originally planned and have a few extra balls to juggle in terms of childcare arrangements and adapting to an altogether new role.

I have a few reviews to write up and post so keep an eye out for those, but please be patient with me while I work out my best balance. 

Any tips on how to keep things all ticking along with out burning out would be much appreciated!

K x

Werk, werk, werk…

Werk, werk, werk…

To work or not to work, that is the question. Well actually the reality is for most of us, that this isn’t a question at all. We simply have to work. In order to keep a roof over our families heads, fish fingers on the table and gin in the cupboard the majority of mums need to work in some capacity.

The time this becomes hardest I feel is after having a baby, whether this is your first or third, going back to work after time at home with your child is rough! The guilt alone is crippling, never mind the cost of childcare! Many will apply to return on a part time or flexible basis to try and gain some semblance of work life balance.

Sadly this is where us mamas get a raw deal a lot of the time. Statistics show that 54,000 women a year are pushed out of the workplace for pushing out a baby! A whopping 77% of the mums who do manage to keep their place in the working world face descriminatory treatment whilst there and earn roughly 15% less than their childless peers. In 2017 this should not even be an issue but it is an all too stark reality.

Thankfully there are some amazing crusaders out there trying to rectify these issues. 

Anna Whitehouse, best know as MotherPukka, has been the Lycra clad driving force for the FlexAppeal campaign. Pushing hard (flash mobbing all over the country with toddler and baby in tow!!) for workplaces to become less focused on the ‘bums on seats’ mentality of old, and more on productivity! 

Pregnant then Screwed is another amazing movement set up by Joeli Brearley to support people facing maternity discrimination and help them find the assistance and advice needed to fight against it. They are running a nationwide series of March of the Mummies on the 31st of October this year to shout out loudly about their Early Day Motion submitted to government by MP Caroline Lucas. I have attached the link to the EDM so you can all read the full details and check if your local MP has signed (if not PLEASE email and ask them to do so!)
There will be a March of the Mummies coming to Glasgow on Halloween and my lovely mama friend Hayleigh and I will be sharing all the exciting details very soon!

K x

Stats sourced from: