New Year, Same Fabulous Me!

New Year, Same Fabulous Me!

My New Years resolution is inspired by the likes of Style Me Sunday and my best gal Hayleigh – not to diet, lose weight or beat myself up about what I do and don’t eat – but to accept and love myself just as I am!

Literally bathing in love today…All for myself!

Diet culture is hateful, it is a multibillion pound industry that thrives on our failures and self loathing. Fuck that! So what if my thighs touch or I have a bit of a muffin top…I’m not a total arsehole, my wee family is a happy one, I don’t wear kitten heels and even shop small/local when I can! Those are much more important things than a washboard stomach in my opinion. So, gone are my annual promises to exercise myself into the ground, cut out all the fun foods and shed all my curves!

Other than loving the fabulous being that I already am, my big plans for 2018 are to work on my photography skills, write my wee heart out on this blog, meet some of my wonderful online pals in real life, have fun with my kids, keep loving and appreciating my other half, bake more cakes, wear more eyeshadow and outlandish clothing! Sounds like a pretty awesome year right?

If you ditch the societal pressures….what will your resolutions/goals for 2018 look like?

K x

11 thoughts on “New Year, Same Fabulous Me!

  1. Class! I love your attitude. I have been so busy over Christmas that I really haven’t given much thought to what’s next. I have an idea for another story – perhaps to get that plotted out and down on paper. If I achieve that I’ll be happy 🥂

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  2. I love this way of thinking! I stopped thinking of eating healthy or dieting as something I had to do, but rather as a way to keep myself healthy. I don’t diet in the traditional sense, I just choose the healthy options and it feels way better. I could really feel the difference after a while so changing my way of seeing it has really helped.

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  3. I am so happy whenever I see a post like this! It is really important to appreciate what you have and love yourself 🙂 Resolutions have never been my thing because I’d never succeed and end up disappointed, so I just try to go with the flow really 😀 Have a fantastic 2018! xx

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  4. YES!!! I used to make up so many resolutions and then beat myself up if I didn’t follow through. In the end hating myself and comparing myself to everyone else (totally not healthy!) This year I’m focusing on goals and forgiving myself when I don’t always follow through. Self love is so much more important than trying to be everyone else’s standard of perfect. You do you, girl!

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  5. Yes, diet culture is the worst. I hate hearing people lament about how they broke their diet and then their trainers make fun or ridicule them. How is that healthy? Health and fitness should be fun. I like that you are not letting society dictate that you should be miserable and self-loathing. You do you.

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  6. Losing weight isn’t one of mine either . My big personal goal is to improve my sleep habits. I believe being better rested will improve many aspects of my life.

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